What if you could have an ideal workday? A day when you easily accomplished all you needed to do. A day with less stress and more sales! Would you be interested?

I have to admit, I’ve struggled with having more productive workdays, but when I started using these tips my days got much better, I accomplished much more and I was much happier!

Here are 8 evidence-based tips you can use to accomplish more every day and feel great!

1.       Clear the Clutter. I don’t know about you, but for me a messy office raises my stress level!  Numerous studies have shown that clutter has been linked to stress and anxiety. The reason being, all those piles make you feel like you’ll never get to the bottom of what needs to be done. Spend time clearing your workspace. You’re sure to feel more relaxed and accomplish much more.

2.       Plan Your Day the Night Before: You’ll be a lot more productive and get much more done if you plan your day the night before. I like to use the Ivy Lee Method. Ivy Lee was a famous productivity expert who came up with this simple strategy:  The night before write a list of the 6 most important things you want to accomplish, write them in priority order, and do those 6 things first!  It’s so simple and it really works!

3.       Have a Morning Ritual: How you spend your morning will influence the rest of your dayA morning ritual can put you on track for a much more productive day.  I like to spend 5 minutes meditating every morning and focusing on what I want to accomplish. It relaxes my mind and prepares me to have a better day.

4.       Take Time for Exercise: Like most of you, I have a busy day, but I’ve found that a simple 15- minute exercise routine that I do twice a day releases endorphins (those feel- good hormones) and makes me feel great!

5.       Try the Pomodoro Technique: The Pomodoro Technique is a method of working in 25 minutes increments without interruption and then taking a 5- minute break. This is a useful and proven method for accomplishments more every day! Try and do 5 or more of them during your workday. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

6.       Set Your Boundaries. Let your family and friends know when you’ll be working and can’t be interrupted.  Speaking of boundaries, be willing to say NO to requests and tasks that don’t align with your business goals.

7.     Know Your Ideal Client.  I recommend making a list of the characteristics of your ideal client. The clients that have the ability to give you larger orders and repeat business. The clients that you most enjoy working with.  Be willing to walk away from opportunities that don’t meet your criteria.

8.    Take a Midday Break. Take time for healthy lunch or snack and get some fresh air!  Good nutrition and a walk around the block can go a long way in improving mood and your day!

Try these 8 tips and end your workday with a feeling of accomplishment!