Your goal as a promotional products sales professional is to always keep your sales pipeline full but, like it or not, some people will be poor prospects for you and a complete waste of your time.

Your job on a first contact or meeting is to weed out the good prospects from the “tire kickers.”

Here are some characteristics of quality prospects:

1. The prospect is the decision maker or is involved in the decision-making process.

2. The prospect has an immediate or future need to promote their business or service.

3. The prospect understands the value of promotional products and the results they can achieve.

4. The prospect treats you with respect and values your time.

5. The prospect is not just looking for the lowest price.

6. The prospect has the ability to give you repeat orders or referrals.

7. The prospect is someone with whom you think you would enjoy working.

Make a list of the characteristics of your ideal prospects and keep them in mind the next time you make a sales call. It will help you quickly move on from people who are not the right fit for what you offer.

Finding great prospects early in the sales process will help you to increase your sales, your income and your work enjoyment!

Once you’ve qualified your prospects, your next job is to build long-term relationships, not just a one-time sale.

Relationships are built by asking great questions, listening and then presenting solutions.

Want to know the RIGHT QUESTIONS TO ASK to build relationships and get more sales?

I recommend The FAST TRACK to Promotional Products Sales Success!

When you invest in The FAST TRACK program you’ll get as a bonus a Sales Call Planning Guide with The TOP 50 Powerful Questions to open more doors and close more sales.

The FAST TRACK includes a 156 page How To Make More Money In Promotional Products Sales Manual, plus hours of sales-training audios, business operation forms, sales letters and hundreds of dollars in bonuses from top suppliers.

The FAST TRACK to Promotional Products Sales Success is available instantly online and in printed copy. You can start using the FAST TRACK in the next 10 minutes.

© 2017 Rosalie Marcus

Want expert help growing your promotional products business?  Click the link to preview the programs and products created to quickly and easily grow your promotional products sales. 

Not sure which program or product is right for you? Contact Rosalie for a brief, no obligation, personal consultation. Reach her at

Rosalie Marcus, The Promo Biz Coach ™ is a promotional products business expert, coach and speaker. Combining her skills and years of experience in promotional sales, she helps her clients sell more at higher profit margins and dramatically increase their incomes! Get a FREE special report: 10 Big Mistakes Promotional Professionals Make and How to Avoid Them and a FREE Skyrocket Your Sales audio download at

Reach her at or 215-572-6766.

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