How have your sales been this quarter? Regardless of the economic slow down, there are certain things you can do now that will jump-start your sales and keep you motivated all year! 

The most successful people in any industry have a business plan and work it. Do you have a business plan and strategies? Having a plan and strategies is the big difference between being successful in promotional products sales and struggling.

If you don’t have a plan, it’s not too late to get started and it doesn’t have to be difficult. Here’s an easy way to begin: 

Answer these 10 questions:

1. Why did you start your promotional products business? What is your vision? Try to answer this in three sentences or less.

2. Where is your business now in terms of income and gross profit margins?

3. Where would you like your business to be six months and one year from now?

4. Who are your ideal most profitable clients? How can you find more people like them?

5. What makes your promotional products business different or better than your competitors?

6. What new niche markets or revenue streams can you explore to boost your sales and income?

7. What’s your sales process?

8. What powerful questions help you get more business?

9. How can you make more money on every order and get better pricing from suppliers?

10. What marketing methods are you using? What’s working? What isn’t?

Need help with your plan and answering these questions? Let me help you jump-start your sales!

I recommend The FAST TRACK to Promotional Products Sales Success. I’ve included everything you need to do to jump start your promotional products business fast. Including the latest information on industry trends, social networking and forming alliances.

You can start using the program in the next 10 minutes (the online version and audios are available instantly, with a printed copy on its way.) All the sales-boosting information, audios, templates and case histories are handed to you on a silver platter. You can get yours now at The FAST TRACK web site.

Why struggle when you can just model a program that already works?

© 2009 – 2013 Rosalie Marcus

Want expert help growing your promotional products business?  Click the link to preview the programs and products created to quickly and easily grow your promotional products sales. 

Not sure which program or product is right for you? Contact Rosalie for a brief, no obligation, personal consultation. Reach her at

Rosalie Marcus, The Promo Biz Coach ™ is a promotional products business expert, coach and speaker. Combining her skills and years of experience in promotional sales, she helps her clients sell more at higher profit margins and dramatically increase their incomes! Get a FREE special report: 10 Big Mistakes Promotional Professionals Make and How to Avoid Them and a FREE Skyrocket Your Sales audio download at

Reach her at or 215-572-6766.

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