by Rosalie Marcus | Jun 19, 2017 | Featured, Promotional Products Niche Marketing
Education is the #1 Top Market for Promotional Products Sales. Discover how you can cash in on this RICH NICHE! Even if you’re currently selling in this RICH NICHE, I’ll share new ideas and proven strategies you’ll love! Plus, you’ll have...
by Rosalie Marcus | Feb 2, 2017 | Featured, Promotional Product Sales
I’ve been in the promotional products industry for more than 25 years, both selling products and programs and coaching and educating distributor sales professionals. I’ve seen a multitude of changes in that time, but one thing remains the same: our reliance on quality...
by Rosalie Marcus | Mar 14, 2016 | Featured, Promotional Product Sales Tips
In today’s highly competitive economy you may be asked to discount your price, or have a customer making an unreasonable request, what should you do? Giving discounts can put you on a “slippery slope” and give your customers the expectation that you...
by Rosalie Marcus | Oct 16, 2015 | Featured, Uncategorized
The fourth quarter is usually the busiest time of year for people in the promotional products sales. If you’re like most promotional products sales you’re trying to keep up with prospecting, research, price quotes and client requests and you’re probably feeling...
by Rosalie Marcus | Apr 8, 2015 | Featured, Uncategorized
Did you know that April is Customer Loyalty Month? Think about the businesses you consistently patronize. What have they done to capture your loyalty? What makes you go back? Are there any businesses you wouldn’t dream of switching from, no matter what? I...
by Rosalie Marcus | Aug 23, 2014 | Featured, Ice Bucket Challenge
You’ve probably seen the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge all over social media and TV. Perhaps you’ve taken it. For me, it had special meaning and a very personal connection. My older brother Martin, an outstanding athlete, prolific writer, creative thinker, baseball...