6 Steps To Jumpstart Your Creativity

As a small business coach, I specialize in helping people in the promotional products industry shorten the learning curve and boost their sales quickly. One of the frequent challenges I hear from my coaching clients is, “I need some new ideas, I’m stuck...

Are You Doing This Smart Strategy?

If you’ve ever taken a class with me or participated in my Business-Boosting program, you know I’m a big believer in the power of handwritten thank you notes. I know this may sound like your mother talking, but they really do work! And you can do them in...

Should You Fire This Client?

A reader asked, “I have an immediate question and something that has given me sleepless nights. I’m into keeping all my customers happy, just like you suggest. But I’m contemplating firing this customer. Problem is, in the past they’ve sent in...

Are You A Swamped Sales Professional?

Dear Promotional Professional:   Did you attend the Orlando or Vegas industry shows? If so, I hope you came back with lots of great ideas you can immediately use to grow your sales. And if we had a chance to meet, fantastic! (By the way, check out the links to the...