Do Cold Calls Get New Business?

Yesterday, in my Success Circle Coaching Call, we had a spirited discussion about the value of making cold calls. I’ll be upfront and say that I believe cold calls are the least effective way to get new promotional products business.  In my opinion, here are...

What’s Your Most Powerful Sales Tool?

Did you know the most powerful tool for increasing your sales is always with you and it’s free? What is it? It’s your mindset. As a promotional products sales professional, it’s important to keep a positive mindset no matter what’s happening...

Do You Practice What You Preach?

While some believe that you should cut back on marketing during slow economic times, savvy business people see this an opportunity. Your job as a promotional products professional is to show your clients the benefits and cost-effectiveness of promoting their...

What Would You Do?

What’s your opinion? This week a promotional products distributor sent me this question:  “I have a quick question and would love to get your opinion. The commercial printer I use for my business cards and stationery here in town has approached me with the...