What To Do When You Lose A Big Account

Follow At sometime or another, it may happen to you. I know it’s happened to me. A big order or steady account that you thought was a sure thing went to someone else. Maybe you’ve gotten complacent and you weren’t nurturing the relationship as much...

How To Stand Out and Sell More Promotional Products

I don’t have to tell you how competitive the promotional products business is these days. So what can you do to stand out and get noticed? Your clients are all listening to the same radio station — WIFM (What’s in it for me?). The more benefits you can convey that are meaningful to them, the […]

Follow I don’t have to tell you how competitive the promotional products business is these days. So what can you do to stand out and get noticed? Your clients are all listening to the same radio station — WIFM (What’s in it for me?). The more benefits you can...