No doubt about it, these days promotional products sales can be challenging.
From finding more ideal clients to searching for the right product, to dealing with internet wholesalers, missed deadlines and supplier mishaps, our challenges are numerous.
That being said, what can you do to stay positive and pro-active no matter what’s happening around you?
Here’s something, I learned many years ago, the most powerful tool for increasing your sales is always with you and it’s free. What is it? It’s your mindset.
As a sales professional, it’s important to keep a positive mindset. Focus on what you can do, not what you can’t.
Being positive and pro-active will go a long way in increasing your sales and income. Here are some simple ways to manage your mindset.
Here’s what I do, and you can too!
Focus on what you want to happen, not on what you don’t want to happen. Your thoughts become your reality. Write a daily intention, or two or three every day; the thing or things you most want to happen or accomplish. It’s amazing how much more you’ll get done with this simple habit.
Have a positive outcome goal for every sales call and meeting. Prepare first by doing research so that you have a thorough understanding of your prospect’s business. Then write at least one goal you would like to achieve before your next meeting or phone call.
Surround yourself with positive people. Notice the people who always seem to be upbeat, positive and encouraging. If someone around you is getting negative, change the conversation or end it. And that goes for the media as well. I’m a big believer in staying informed, but too much negative news can have a detrimental effect on your income and attitude.
Keep a success journal. At the end of every business day, write at least one or more positive thing or things that occurred that day – no matter how small. Review your success journal when you need inspiration.
Create a positive comments list. When a client or colleague says something positive about you or your business, write it down. Get permission to share those comments as testimonials on your website. Read them frequently to remember how great you are!
Stay educated and informed: Our industry is changing. Prospects and clients know more and expect more from you. Staying current with the latest trends, buying habits and technology goes a long way in keeping you ahead of the competition and in a positive frame of mind.
Give up the need for control. You can’t change what someone else will think, do or say, but you can notice and change your own reactions, beliefs, thoughts, and actions.
End your day with an inspiring book, audio or podcast. When you end on a positive note, you’ll sleep better, your brain will be filled with inspiration and you’ll wake up in a better frame of mind.
Here’s to an inspiring month filled with positive thoughts and outcomes!