Many years ago, I read a book by a psychologist named Susan Jeffers titled Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway. And that’s just what I did on a recent trip to Costa Rica. Bridge2

I’ve always had a fear of heights. Just looking over a high balcony makes my palms sweat and my head spin. And forget about driving on mountain roads; that puts me in panic mode! So it was with great trepidation that on my recent vacation in Costa Rica, I decided to push myself to walk over 8 suspension bridges that were as high as 180 feet and sway when you walk on them. Yes, I was nervous. Yes, my palms were sweaty. And yes, I walked across quickly, but the important thing is I did it! What a feeling of confidence I felt that I faced this fear head on. 

As a promotional products sales professional, you’re faced with situations that bring up fear every day. You face rejection, looking silly, rude prospects, mistakes on orders, self-doubt and the ultimate fear: failure! At one time or another, I’ve experienced all of these.

Here’s what I know for sure: having the courage to work through your business fears and take action, even when you feel apprehensive, is what will put you in the arena with the most successful people in promotional products sales. Your willingness to take calculated risks and feel the discomfort is what will get you ahead.

Here’s what I suggest: Make a list of all the things that are holding you back in your promotional products business and then begin to take action on them. Attend a new networking event, reach out to better prospects, try some new and different sales strategies, research and go after bigger accounts and be willing to walk away from those clients that drive you crazy on very small orders and even smaller profits. Do it and watch your confidence and business soar!

Not sure where to begin taking action in your business? Know you want support and the tools to make it happen? Send me an email to set up a complimentary 15 minute “get acquainted” session to discover how my coaching, training and business growth programs can propel your promotional products sales. 

I’d like your opinion. Has facing your fears helped you get ahead in your promotional products business? What risks have you taken with your promotional products business and what lessons have you learned? Please leave your comments below.

© 2014 Rosalie Marcus

Want expert help growing your promotional products business?   It’s not too late to join my 2014 Niche to Be Rich program. You’ll get proven strategies, top-shelf marketing tools and much more business! Check it out at or click here to preview the programs and products created to quickly and easily grow your promotional products sales. 

Not sure which program or product is right for you? Contact Rosalie for a brief, no obligation, personal consultation. Reach her at

Rosalie Marcus, The Promo Biz Coach ™ is a promotional products business expert, coach and speaker. Combining her skills and years of experience in promotional sales, she helps her clients sell more at higher profit margins and dramatically increase their incomes! Get a FREE special report: 10 Big Mistakes Promotional Professionals Make and How to Avoid Them and a FREE Skyrocket Your Sales audio download at

Reach her at or 215-572-6766.

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